Hampshire Holistic Mobile Therapies Reflexology and Wingwave Coaching
in Hamble and surrounding area

Storage of data and record keeping

If you have ever had a session with me you will have completed a consultation form which captures personal information as well as medical information. I also keep brief notes regarding each session you have had with me. It is a condition of my insurance to take and retain client records which have to be kept for at least 7 years following the last occasion on which treatment was given. In the case of treatment to minors, I am also required to keep records for at least 7 years after they reach the age of majority (18). Your records are kept in lockable storage to which nobody else has access.

You may also contact me via email and this email address will only ever be used to communicate with you initially in order to book your first
appointment. It will not be passed to any other party or organisation. Thereafter, it will be deleted. Your contact phone number is stored on my mobile phone and in the event of me losing the phone, the device will be instantly blocked, not that it states anything other than your name and number.

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